Natasha Mirak Poland Painting

Artwork title : Positioning

Title: Positioning
Technique: Oil on canvas
Dimensions: 80x80 cm
Year: 2023
Signature: Natasza Mirak

I was inspired to paint this picture by a scientific work on the eternal conflict between the sacred and the profane:

"In primitive cultures, as well as in many myths about a state that preceded culture, the body played a significant role. It was not artificially separated from the soul or mind - the human existed as a somatopsychic unity. 

Biological needs or sensual instincts were not deprecated; constituting an indispensable part of nature, they were in harmony with the spiritual sphere. What was not subject to sensory experience was abstraction. Nevertheless, with the development of civilization, man gradually began to distinguish himself (as the creator of culture and a higher, thinking being) from the background of nature. 
Over time, by becoming more and more opposed to it, he created a disconnect between the body and the mind.